Thursday, February 7, 2013

Share Your Story- Or speak your mind- You are in control here

Rather than protect the abuser by hiding the violence expose him here.

No names. Just real talk. Talk to the abuser about what he has done to you and how it makes you feel.

Domestic Violence is scarry and confusing. While many of us have been abused, our stories are unique because we are unique.

People say you have to go. Others say you have to stay. It seems like no one understands that there is no easy way out and no easy way to stay.

To share your story, your poem or your letters email me so that I can post them.


  1. This is a really great idea you have here, giving those being abused a voice to release at least some of their pain is such a noble and worthy cause. I am going to link to your blog and I wish you much success.

    1. Thank you for your support! Please continue to your share feedback and comments...Maybe you have a story or a letter to share?
